Ongoing Secret Human Experimentation on American Citizens & Residents Using EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweaponry

The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

New Page added under Human Rights, on Secret Human Experimentation on Americans, and Citizens Worldwide:

“Thousands of Americans, and citizens worldwide, are being experimented on today, and have been, for some decades, by “stealth” technologies and “concealed monitoring,” without their consent and knowledge, in many many fields of bioscience and social science and psychology, including neuroscience, through the use of deadly, EMF radiation & sonic/ultrasonic neuroweaponry, satellite and ground surveillance, cybersurveillance, electronic surveillance, and “radiation surveillance”–a euphemism within a euphemism, essentially pointing to EMF and sonic neuroweaponry.

How is this achieved? A few ways:”  See more.

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